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Dinh Lab
- Principal Investigator, HKSAR Research Grants Council (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF), Project No: 14211223, 09/01/2023-08/31/2026 is funded 873,000 HKD.
GRF is a very competitive grant and a must-have for professors who want to get tenure in Hong Kong. A total of six reviewers gave excellent scores for the proposal.
- Principal Investigator, Microfluidics, 3D Bioprinting & AI for Translational Biomedical Engineering, Direct grant CUHK. HKD 150,000, 2021-23.
- Principal Investigator, Microfluidics, 3D Bioprinting & AI for Translational Biomedical Engineering, Direct grant, Department of Biomedical Engineering, CUHK. HKD 50,000, 2021.
- PI- Direct Grant: Faculty of Engineering, CUHK, 150,000 HKD (2022)
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