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Prof. DINH Ngoc Duy, MRSC


  • Postdoctoral Research Associate 

               University of Cambridge (UK), Center for Misfolding Diseases

               Department of Chemistry

               Supervisor: Prof. Tuomas Knowles

  • Ph.D in Biomedical Engineering

                National University of Singapore, Singapore

                Supervisor: Prof. Chen Chia-Hung

  • Member of Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)

  • Member of Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

Email:; Phone: +852 39435165
Room 1110, 11/F, William M.W. Mong Engineering Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).

Dr. Dinh hold a research assistant professor at Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong. Before that he did a postdoctoral research under Prof. Tuomas Knowles at Center for Misfolding Diseases, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, UK. In Cambridge, he earned experience using microfluidics for studying neurodegenerative diseases. Also, his research is covered in using droplet microfluidic to fabricate plant protein microcapsules with a wide range of applications for drug delivery, personal care, cosmetics, and food. He earned entrepreneurship knowledge from Cambridge Enterprise, and he is a consultant of Xampla, a spin-out from the lab for commercializing plant protein material microcapsule.


He got his Ph.D degree from Department of Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore under Prof. Chen Chia-Hung. During his Ph.D., he invented a novel NIR laser 3D bioprinting for constructing tissues or organs.  Before his Ph.D., he worked on Brain-on-Chip at ISAS, Germany. His works were published in prestigious journals Small, Nature Communications, Lab-on-a-Chip, and Advanced Functional Materials. He was invited to give the Keynote Speech and guest dialogue in Organ-on-Chip at International MicroNanoConference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2018.


He is known for his expertise in Microfluidics, Organs-on-Chips, 3D Bioprinting and Hydrogel Microparticles. 


Tsz Kin Chan, Research Assistant, AI Agents for Biomedical Applications 

PhD Students:    

Nguyen Dinh Nguyen (Aug-2022)

LLMs for Microfluidics 


Tian Yuyao, Postdoctoral Follow, Brain-on-Chips for unraveling the molecular mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases, (Now: Research Follow at Jorfi Lab, MGH, Harvard Medical School) 

TO, Sai Shing Tony, Undergraduate Research Student (Now: Co-founder Provectus Therapeutics)

Suen Man Kin, Marco, FYP, Research Assistant ( Now: Co-founder Provectus Therapeutics )


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